Showing 11 Result(s)

Less ‘Doing’ is More Fulfilling

It’s been ‘a minute’… Quickly approaching 2023, my last blog post was in early 2021. My mind has driven me NUTS since then. OMG – it made me feel so bad about not writing during this extremely long hiatus. It seemed like it took forever before I had energy to write. Then I wrote, but …

Being Emotionally Responsible

Have you been feeling ‘off’ or more emotional lately? Do you feel blah, apathetic, melancholic, depressed, and/or lonely? You are not alone. And there is nothing wrong with you! Until early April, everyone is prone to the sensitivities of the Universe’s emotional climate. Because we are unique, each person can experience it differently. I’ve felt …

Unique Roots

Emotions, melancholy, and apathy really affected me for about a month. I’ve been in the process of understanding my emotions and melancholy for quite some time. However, I haven’t experienced intense apathy in over six years. This was a rough time. I didn’t feel passionate or excited about writing these blogs, working on my website, …

Relationships That Matter

We have different types of relationships. A phrase says that people come into our lives for “a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” I’ve learned so much from people in my life. Some of the experiences were extremely pleasant, and others were not. Recently, I had a few exchanges with people I’ve known for more …

Disempowering the Mind

I don’t like being controlled by others. However, I wasn’t present to how much my mind had been controlling me for years. I found a mistake in a newsletter after it was emailed. Another one was accidentally sent with no content. It has taken me a long time to finalize this post. I searched my …


Many times I have spoken and immediately realized that I should have kept my mouth shut! I felt like this flower – as if all of the life got sucked right out of me. I met resistance by speaking when it wasn’t correct to do so. Over the years, resistance has been an incredible signpost …


The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed us away from the ‘social/community’ lifestyle that has dominated our world, and it has forced us to establish boundaries with one another. Our minds can get tangled in negative thoughts about what is ‘wrong’ with this instead of recognizing positive aspects of the situation. Are you present to something that …

Power Within

Thinking about the past or worrying about the future does not serve us. Racing thoughts, fear, stress, anxiety, and depression can all occur when we get stuck in the past or fret about the future. When we succumb to those thoughts, we lose ourselves. All that matters is now. In each moment, presence can guide …


Technology, repetitive thoughts, and being involved in the rat race of life take us away from pure presence. If we get lost in our mind’s chatter, we cannot be conscious. Texting or doing other tasks – while attempting to engage in conversation – also prevents genuine connectedness. Living in the moment requires awareness – ‘being’ …


Gratitude is extremely powerful. It can quickly take us from ‘what’s wrong’ to ‘what matters’ in life by letting go of unhealthy thoughts and being in the moment. Are you present to one thing you are grateful for right now?